How to access the programme

The MAIHI Partnership Programme makes it easier to navigate the various funding and support available for Māori-led housing projects from different government agencies.  

The programmes takes a 'no wrong door' approach, which means funding and support can be accessed in a number of ways.  

If you have an existing relationship with a government agency, or if a government agency offers a product, service or funding that you're interested in, you can contact them directly. Or, you can contact the MAIHI Partnership Programme directly, by emailing  

What funds are available?

If you’d like more information about the kinds of support and funding that different government agencies offer, try our tool to navigate what’s available for both individual whānau and iwi and Māori organisations. 

Go to the Funding and Support tool

For general information about what funding might be available for your housing project, email

For all other enquiries relating to Māori housing supply, infrastructure or repairs email

You can also download the brochure which provides a summary of the funds available to support Māori housing developments.