He Taupae Fund
He Taupae funds projects that increase the technical skills and resources of Māori organisations to build housing on their whenua.
On this page you will find information about the types of projects that are funded through He Taupae, the requirements for people or organisations applying for this funding, and a list of the projects currently funded through He Taupae.
What is funded
The types of projects that may be funded through He Taupae include:
- geotechnical investigations
- master planning
- infrastructure reports
- planning advice
- contamination reports
- traffic assessments
- development management and feasibility
- resource and building consents.
Who can apply
Applicants must:
- be a hapū, iwi, Māori housing provider or Māori entity (Māori entities are registered businesses with a minimum of 50 percent Māori ownership or are a Māori Authority(external link)).
- have authority to build on the identified site, which is Māori owned (including general title and Māori freehold land).
- demonstrate a clear pathway to build on their land within two to three years.
They need to show that:
- the proposed houses are intended for whānau Māori, including kaumātua or individuals
- the housing development is non-commercial
- the land is zoned correctly for the size and scale of the build
- they've analysed the type of land they propose building on, what kind of housing is needed on the land for example, public housing, affordable rentals, home ownership and what the affected whānau want and need
- they have a clear strategy in place
- they have a business case that includes strategic objectives, an options analysis, cost-benefit analysis and risk assessment.
Express an interest in applying for funding
To express an interest in applying for funding through He Taupae, please complete a Whai Kāinga Whai Oranga expression of interest form.
Download an expression of interest form (DOCX, 295 KB).
You can also email WKWO@hud.govt.nz to discuss your project and any questions you may have.
Projects funded through He Taupae
Te Tai Tokerau
Project Description
Funding Amount
Aupōuri, Ngāti Kahu, Te Rarawa Trust
Funding provided to support the Awanui Housing Project to construct 32 dwellings in Awanui, Far North District.
He Puna Marama Charitable Trust
Funding provided to support He Puna Marama complete the master planning and obtain resource and pile building consents for the development at Hikurangi.
Ngāti Tūpoto ki Motukaraka Trust
A collaboration between Ngāti Tūpoto ki Motukaraka Trust and the Tapuwae Incorporation to undertake technical work to investigate the feasibility of, design and to lodge building consent and any other local authority applications for 18 house sites.
Te Hau Ora o Ngāpuhi
Funding provided to commission a Development Strategy for the first-stage of housing development in the Kaikohe area.
Otangarei Papakainga Limited
Funding provided to undertake a development plan and feasibility assessment to deliver six, two-bedroom homes in Otangarei, Whangārei.
Te Konoti B4A3B2B Ahu Whenua Trust
Funding provided to support site investigation for six additional house sites located at Te Konoti.
Te Pouahi o Te Taitokerau (Prototype)
Funding provided to support the delivery of 80-100 affordable homes for Māori in and across Te Taitokerau rohe along with providing a ‘one-stop shop’ that administers grant funding and a range of services including navigation, advice, project development, project management and procurement.
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Hine Trust Borad
Funding provided to build internal capability to progress the Te Mataora housing initiative in Kawakawa.
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Rēhia
Funding provided to support the completion of an Iwi Housing Needs
Te Waka Pupuri Putea Trust
Funding provided to undertake engineering feasibility, design and works to support the delivery of 44 proposed houses at Donald Road.
Tāmaki Makaurau
Project Description
Funding Amount
Kāhui Tū Kaha Limited
Funding provided to increase capability to hold three, two-day wānanga over 12 months to discuss the development of social housing Kaupapa Māori service delivery standards.
Te Mahurehure Cultural Marae Society Incorporated
Funding provided to register as a Community Housing Provider for a subsidiary entity (Te Kāinga Atawhai Housing Limited) to lead housing initiatives including Te Kāinga Atawhai Papakāinga.
Hauraki Waikato
Project Description
Funding Amount
Ngāti Whanaunga Rūnanga Trust
Funding provided to undertake preliminary site investigations for eight sites on the Thames-Coromandel and Miranda-Ōrere Point coasts
Project Description
Funding Amount
Lot 536d Parish of te Papa
Funding provided to increase capability to develop a masterplan for a 31 house staged development delivering on the vision, values, and aspirations of whānau.
Ngāti Awa Social and Health Services
To investigate the feasibility of building 15 homes on their whenua and subsequently enable Ngāti Awa Social and Health Services to apply for resource consents for required civil works to support the development of the whenua.
Owhata 2B Ahuwhenua Trust
Funding provided to undertake preliminary engineering and site investigations for the Owhata Nursery site.
Patetu Whānau Trust
Funding provided for technical consultants to undertake a survey plan, engineering, and planning report to develop five whānau owned homes and five affordable rentals.
Te Kotuhi-Hereawai Taikato Whanau Trust
Funding provided to increase capability to undertake preliminary project work on a whānau papakāinga site on whenua Māori. Holding a workshop to develop initial site concept plan and preparation of a masterplan; and preparation of resource consent applications in line with District Plan and incorporating necessary expert input (Civil and Geotechnical engineer, urban designer, surveyor, planner, environmental scientist).
Te Whakatōhea Māori Trust Board
Funding provided to build internal capability and capacity to implement the ‘Mata Raupō Whakatōhea Housing Strategy 2021-2030' and develop a Business case for a Housing Development within Whakatōhea, and will coordinate/facilitate whānau master planning and financial literacy wānanga sessions for up to 30 whānau.
Whakaatu Whanaunga Trust
Funding provided to increase internal capability to undertake work to achieve community development and higher standards of living for Māori within the Ōpōtiki District.
Whakaue Holding Limited
Funding provided to undertake the urban design, resource consent and engineering design for Wharenui Gardens. A development that will deliver 240 houses over three independent but seamless stages (80/stage).
Whakaue Holdings Limited
Funding provided to support the Ngāti Whakaue Whenua Housing Activation Strategy.
Ikaroa Rāwhiti
Project Description
Funding Amount
Te Aitanga A Mahaki Trust
Funding provided to develop technical information for land development design this will likely include – topographical surveys; planning advice; master planning; contamination reports; infrastructure reports; and traffic assessments.
Te Runanga o Turanganui a Kiwa
Funding provided to assist with becoming a Community Housing Provider and develop a housing strategy/business case to become a provider of emergency/transitional housing and an action plan to provide wraparound services.
Te Runanganui o Ngāti Porou
Funding provided to support Toitū Tairāwhiti to oversee the development of a Business Case, Engagement Plan and Implementation Plan for better outcomes for Tairawhiti whānau.
Proprietors of Kahuitara A2E2B3
Funding provided to assist with feasibility and predevelopment work for ten housing sites across Kahuitara.
Te Tai Hauāuru
Project Description
Funding Amount
Silks Audit Chartered Accountants Limited
Funding provided to deliver nine affordable homes in Ratana for first home buyers. This funding will support civil works and other technical reports to satisfy the conditions of resource consent and subdivision requirements.
Ratana Ahu Whenua Trust
Funding provided to build internal capability and capacity to support the development of the Ratana Papakāinga Development Project assisting with whānau intending to build with the requisite mortgage, lease, title registration, planning, consenting and contracting processes required.
Hine Ahu Whenua Trust
Funding provided to undertake preliminary planning and development work for a papakāinga of three whare.
Kimiora-a-lifeline Charitable Trust
Funding provided to increase capability to assist with the development of the Kimiora Papakāinga Development Project to create five sections/houses.
Pukekaraka C Block
Funding provided to support Phase 1 of Pukekaraka C Whenua-Papakāinga Estate with a feasibility study for five homes.
Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira Incorporated
Funding provided to undertake all relevant site investigations and regulatory consenting for Stages 4-6 at Kenepuru Landing.
Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira Incorporated
Funding provided to undertake all relevant site investigations and consenting works to enable the establishment of 18 purpose built kaumātua homes at Takapūwāhia Marae.
Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira Incorporated
Funding provided to undertake the feasibility of constructing 129 homes at Kahika Grove, by engaging consultants to complete a master plan, site survey and resource application for the land.
Tūpoho Investments Limited
Funding provided to support predevelopment work to get project development ready at Carson Street, Castlecliff.
Te Tai Tonga
Project Description
Funding Amount
Ngāti Tama Ki te Waipounamu Trust
Funding provided to increase capability to deliver housing solutions and support services tailored for whānau in Te Tau Ihu through kaupapa Māori approaches.
Te Tapu Te Ranga Trust
Funding provided undertake feasibility, planning and technical site reports to deliver a 100 home papakāinga, a marae and an education facility.
Ngāti Mutunga o Wharekauri Iwi Trust Board
Funding provided to complete and lodge Resource Consent application for two sites in the Wharekauri Papakāinga Development.
Ngāti Kahungunu ki Poneke Community Services Incorporated
Funding provided to support the establishment of Tātai Mokopuna Holdings Limited as a subsidiary.