What is funded 

The types of projects that may be funded through He Taupua include:  

  • preparation of a housing strategy, business case or feasibility study to support a housing development  
  • strengthening internal capability through training or resources, to prepare an organisation to deliver housing supply  
  • project management, facilitation or co-ordination to support a housing supply initiative  
  • undertaking a whānau needs assessment to determine housing demand. 

Who can apply

Organisations applying for funding through He Taupua must: 

  • be an iwi, hapū or Māori entity.  
  • demonstrate strength in kaupapa Māori approaches or service delivery models that:  
    • engage and work collaboratively to meet the housing needs within their local Māori community  
    • develop and deliver options and solutions ranging from renting through to home ownership for whānau Māori  
    • are connected to viable opportunities to build on land (either Māori freehold land or general titled land) owned by a Māori entity 
    • provide support to improve the housing situation of whānau Māori who are homeless or dealing with housing insecurity. 

Express an interest in applying for funding

To express an interest in applying for funding through He Taupua, please complete a Whai Kāinga Whai Oranga expression of interest form.

Download an expression of interest form (DOCX, 295 KB).

You can also email WKWO@hud.govt.nz to discuss your project and any questions you may have.

Projects funded through He Taupua

  • Te Tai Tokerau


    Project Description

    Funding Amount

    Aupōuri, Ngāti Kahu, Te Rarawa Trust

    Funding provided to support the Awanui Housing Project to construct 32 dwellings in Awanui, Far North District.


    He Korowai Trust

    Funding provided for support to attend to homelessness and housing insecurity due to COVID-19.


    He Puna Marama Charitable Trust

    Funding provided to establish a Housing One Stop Shop (HOSS) service for whānau Māori residing in Whangarei and surrounding district.


    He Puna Marama Charitable Trust

    Funding provided to undertake a development plan and feasibility assessment to deliver 12-15 homes in Hikurangi.


    Kāingamaha Trustee Limited

    Funding provided for the first stage of Te Mataora project for land surveying and site investigative work.


    Ngāti Hine Health Trust Board

    Funding provided for bespoke housing solutions with data and insights being gathered to understand the housing needs and aspirations across the rohe.


    Ngāti Hine Health Trust Board

    Funding provided to develop and implement a joined-up Te Tai Tokerau Iwi-Māori Housing Strategy with a priority focus to increase the pace and scale of fit for purpose housing supply in Te Tai Tokerau.


    Ngāti Whatua Runanga

    Funding provided to deliver data survey design and analysis, a housing strategy, business plan, and investment strategy.


    Te Pūtahi-Nui-o-Rehua Trust

    Funding provided to strengthen internal capabilities and deliver housing supply and project management support for their housing initiative.


    Te Pūtahi-Nui-o-Rehua Trust

    Funding provided for a Project Manager to coordinate and develop organisational infrastructure, focusing on housing, trades, and mātauranga Māori.


    Te Rūnanga o Whaingaroa

    Funding provided to implement an integrated framework Through a panel of technical experts with a suite of skills to assist and provide support faced by iwi and Māori organisations working across the housing continuum and in housing development. This includes providing technical advice and support to iwi and Māori organisations across Te Tai Tokerau.


    Te Roroa Development Trust

    Funding provided to deliver housing solutions for whānau and hapū across the housing continuum including Papakāinga.


    The Proprietors of Matauri X Incorporation

    Funding provided to assist with strategic planning, and operational support.


    Waima Topu B Trust

    Funding provided to strengthen internal capability and capacity to help implement two housing developments with 35 new houses.


  • Tāmaki Makaurau


    Project Description

    Funding Amount

    Kāhui Tū Kaha Limited

    Funding provided for support to attend to homelessness and housing insecurity due to COVID-19.


    Kāhui Tū Kaha Limited

    Funding provided to establish a kaupapa Māori Social Housing training programme focused on improving Kaupapa Māori homelessness services.


    Makaurau Marae Māori Trust

    Funding provided to undertake feasibility studies for the rohe of Ngāti Te Ahiwaru and whānau within the Ihumaatao Papakāinga.


    Makaurau Marae Māori Trust

    Funding provided to increase capacity to progress initiatives to house whānau specifically in Moerewa and Kaikohe.


    Ngāti Tamaoho Settlement Trust

    Funding provided to complete a Whānau Housing Needs Assessment and Housing Strategy to progress four housing developments for Ngāti Tamaoho whānau.


    Ngā Maunga Whakahii o Kaipara Custodian Trustee Limited

    Funding provided to help enable housing pathways that meet the needs and aspirations of whānau and develop a full strategic plan.


    Ngāi Tai Ki Tāmaki Limited

    Funding provided to establish a base-line analysis of housing needs and aspirations for Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki iwi.


    Te Whānau O Waipareira Trust South Auckland

    Funding provided to support a focus on short-term housing needs and developing a medium to long-term housing strategy.


  • Hauraki Waikato


    Project Description

    Funding Amount

    Kirikiriroa Family Services Trust

    Funding provided to increase capability and capacity to deliver the ‘Kāinga Rua’ programme at the residential papakāinga and understand the effectiveness of Kāinga Rua to build Kāinga Ora (well whānau).


    Matawhaanui Trust

    Funding provided for support to attend to homelessness and housing insecurity due to COVID-19.


    Ngaati Korokii-Kahukura Trust

    Funding provided to build internal capability to undertake a housing needs assessment of 20 whānau living at Poohara Marae Papakaainga and support two whānau who are homeless into warm, safe, and affordable housing.


    Ngāti Maru Limited

    Funding provided to increase internal capability to deliver housing by completing a Whānau Housing Needs Assessment and preparation of project master planning.


    Ngāti Tamaterā Treaty Settlement Trust

    Funding provided to support a Whānau Housing Needs Assessment and Housing Strategy with a focus on quality and affordable home ownership on their whenua.


    Raukawa Settlement Trust Limited

    Funding provided to conduct a draft scope of works to develop an Iwi-Led collective housing programme.


    Te Rūnanga o Kirikiriroa

    Funding provided to assist with developing the Korowai Manaaki Housing Strategy and develop a Progressive Home Ownership Toolkit for Māori providers.


    Te Whāriki Manawahine o Hauraki Incorporated

    Funding provided to strengthen internal capabilities to develop housing solutions for wāhine and their whānau including developing a housing strategy.


    Waikato-Tainui Te Whakakitenga o Waikato Incorporated

    Funding provided for Te Kaarearea Project to provide property valuations and wrap around support for 15 whānau as part of the Te Kaarearea Iwi Housing Development in Hamilton East.


  • Waiariki


    Project Description

    Funding Amount

    Kaitimako N Trust

    Funding provided to support a Housing Strategy Business Case including a Whanau Housing Needs Assessment and Masterplan that informs a proposed Papakāinga development of 60 homes across Tauranga and Western Bay of Plenty District.


    Ko Te Tuara Totara of Fordlands Incorporated

    Funding provided to develop a housing strategy to create healthy, affordable, and stable housing solutions for whānau.


    Kōkōhinau Papakāinga Trust

    Funding provided to assist with property management support for their papakāinga, and to deliver governance training and governance structure review.


    Manawa Community Housing Trust

    Funding provided to complete technical feasibility to support the development of a leasehold Progressive Home Ownership product.


    Matekuare Whānau Trust

    Funding provided to help build internal capability to address homelessness within Te Matekuare community including report writing on the Tawhitiwhiti Papakāinga Te Whaiti development including report writing on the Tawhitiwhiti Papakāinga Te Whaiti development.


    Ngāti Tūrangitukua Charitable Trust

    Funding provided to investigate the feasibility of building up to 40 houses for hapū and whānau on land owned by their subsidiary Waipapa Whenua Limited.


    Te Taumata o Ngāti Whakaue Iho Ake Trust

    Funding provided for support to attend to homelessness and housing insecurity due to COVID-19.


    Te Taumata o Ngāti Whakaue Iho Ake Trust

    Funding provided to prepare the necessary documentation to obtain Community Housing Provider status including preparing a business case.


    Te Tuinga Whānau Support Services Trust

    Funding provided to increase capability to deliver the Te Moemoea Programme to support whānau who require immediate accommodation (emergency, transitional, Kāinga Ora/Community Housing Provider (CHP) rentals) and those who want to purchase their own homes.


    The Proprietors of Mangatawa

    Funding provided to undertake a Whānau Housing Needs Assessment.


    Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust

    Funding provided to develop and implementation plan for three pilot programmes under the Tūwharetoa Kāinga Strategy.


    Visions of a Helping Hand

    Support to attend to homelessness and housing insecurity due to COVID-19.


    WERA Aotearoa Charitable Trust

    Funding provided to progress aspirations to build, buy and manage 100 whare in Rotorua and 90 in Tauranga in response to homelessness.


  • Ikaroa Rāwhiti


    Project Description

    Funding Amount

    Te Tahua Trust

    Funding provided to develop a housing strategy and feasibility studies for housing solutions with Rangitāne o Tamaki nui-ā-Rua marae.


    Hiki ki te Rangi Limited Partnership

    Funding provided to complete a masterplan concept for housing adjacent to Waiputu Marae in Hastings.


    The Proprietors of Pakowhai

    Funding provided to undertake a Whānau Housing Assessment and Feasibility study to build 15 whare at Muriwai.


    Toitū Tairāwhiti Housing Limited

    Funding provided to support the delivery of a centre of excellence and support communities with high needs across the Tairāwhiti rohe,


    K3 Development Limited Partnership

    Funding provided to help build internal capability to support the 'Whakatū Whare - Building Homes' project including architectural design and undertake research on Māori housing aspirations.


    Te Taiwhenua o Te Whanganui ā Orotū

    Funding provided to build capability to support the Ahuriri Housing Strategy for whānau, marae, hapū trusts and incorporations through Te Whanganui ā Orotū.


  • Te Tai Hauāuru


    Project Description

    Funding Amount

    Ka Uruora

    Funding provided to support the delivery of up to 172 affordable rentals across five regions and increase Māori housing supply by providing financial support to iwi entities, enabling them to develop housing projects.


    Ngaurukehu A10 Section 3 and other blocks Incorporated

    Funding provided to advance the aspiration of Ngaurukehu Inc to provide affordable housing on Māori land connecting marae and local environments with the community of Aromoho.


    Te Ranga Māro Charitable Trust

    Funding provided to conduct a Residential Development Plan and Feasibility Assessment for the delivery of 15 homes in Palmerston North.


    Ngāti Hāua Iwi Trust

    Funding provided for Affordable Housing Survey, Whānau Housing Needs Assessments, Iwi Housing Strategy, Housing Kaupapa Project Manager and  Whānau Housing/Papakāinga Navigator.


    Te Āhuru Mōwai Limited Partnership

    Funding provided for the completion and delivery of a 20-year master spatial plan and build internal capabilities to manage housing developments.


    Karioi Nui Trust

    Funding provided to secure resource consent and development of a master plan for a modern Papakāinga.


    Ngāti Tū Hapū Charitable Trust

    Funding provided to complete resource consent applications for the supply of up to 56 houses in the township of Manaia and surrounding areas of South Taranaki including a feasibility study and business case.


    Te Kīwai Matau o Ngāruahine Charitable Trust

    Funding provided for six hapū housing strategies for Nga hapū o Ngāwahine.


    Raukawa Whānau Ora Limited

    Funding provided to assist in establishing a new entity and register as a Community Housing Provider and deliver on iwi housing aspirations.


    Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira Incorporated

    Funding provided for a Ngati Toa Housing Strategy including an Iwi Master Plan.


    Te Roopu Awhina ki Porirua Trust

    Funding provided to assist with addressing homelessness and overcrowding in the Porirua area through research, analysis/design and data collection.


    Tūpoho Housing Limited

    Funding provided to increase capacity related to the vision of “self-sustainability” while developing a strategic approach to provide housing prospects for whanāu and their wellbeing.


    Tūpoho Investments Limited Whānganui

    Funding provided to progress the Tūpoho Housing Pathway development initiatives as part of Tūpoho - Toi Tū Te Kāinga.


  • Te Tai Tonga


    Project Description

    Funding Amount

    Ngāti Kahungunu Ki Poneke Community Services Incorporated

    Funding provided for Support to attend to homelessness and housing insecurity due to COVID-19.
