Proactively released information

As part of our commitment to open and transparent government, we proactively release information and documents which are of interest to the public.

See proactively released information

Make an official information request

See how to make an official information request, and other useful information related to the process.

See more information on making an official information request

Transparency statement

Our transparency statement explains how we collect, use and share information gathered about individuals or entities (directly or indirectly) associated with regulatory compliance, law enforcement and security functions.

See our transparency statement

Engaging with us on social media

We use social media to share our progress and engage with people across Aotearoa New Zealand on housing and urban development issues. See the terms of use for our social media channels.

See how to engage with us on social media

Chief Executive expenses

We disclose our Chief Executive’s expenses, gifts and hospitality as part of our commitment to transparency and accountability, and in line with State Services Commission requirements.

See our Chief Executive's expenses

Pay gap action plan

Eliminating pay gaps is a priority for the Government, public service chief executives and State sector leaders. The action plan sets out actions and targets that will help close the gender pay gap in the public service.

See our pay gap action plan


From time to time we seek public comment on a specific issue through a formal consultation process.