Residential Development Underwrite
The Residential Development Underwrite (RDU) is a new, time-limited initiative. It was introduced to help the residential construction sector return from the effects of the downturn.
The underwrite will act as the pre-sales needed for developers to secure bank finance for consented, costed and ready-to-commence projects.
It will help maintain capacity in the sector, help grow housing supply and support developments to be ready for when buyers return to the market.
Making an application
Te Tūāpapa Kura Kāinga – Ministry of Housing and Urban Development invites applications from experienced developers who need an underwrite to maintain construction pipelines for residential developments. The underwrite must be low risk and cost to the Crown.
Your application should include the required templates, and organisation and development-specific documents outlined in the developers information document. The templates and documents can be found at the bottom of this page.
About the Residential Development Underwrite
The RDU aims to support developments that deliver housing relative to the local market demand, with low risk of the underwrite being triggered. This means developments must have good financial feasibility, reasonable developer equity input, and be in locations where buyers want to purchase.
Developments that deliver the most homes for the least risk and cost to the Crown will be prioritised. Developments in the main centres (Auckland, Hamilton, Tauranga, Wellington and Christchurch) are likely to best meet RDU objectives. However, developments in other locations that meet the full criteria may also be considered.
Eligibility criteria
HUD will only accept applications that meet all of the eligibility criteria.
The developer must:
- be an established residential developer with a proven track record of successfully building and selling houses of a similar size and scale
- have ownership or use of the land (or an option to do so) and have all required resource consents for residential housing
- provide satisfactory evidence underwrites are needed for the development to proceed within 6 - 12 months (for example, evidence that reasonable attempts have been made to market the development, finance approval is conditional on securing presales, and there are workers/subcontractors available)
- agree to provide a recent market valuation from a registered valuer.
The development must:
- have a minimum of 30 houses. If the development is to be staged, the stage subject to the underwrite must have a minimum of 30 houses.
Assessment framework
The assessment framework will help HUD progress proposals which best align with the RDU’s objectives. You should self-assess your proposal against this framework and the detailed description for each criteria. In each of the criteria below, all information will be assessed for the likelihood that an underwrite may be triggered.
# | Criteria | Description |
1 | Risk and net cost to the Crown (35%) |
2 | Project Readiness (25%) |
3 | Volume and nature of supply (20%) |
4 | Location (20%) |
Information for developers
The information below will help developers decide if their development meets the RDU criteria.
Information document (including terms and conditions) (PDF, 379 KB)
Frequently asked questions (PDF, 255 KB)
Documents to support your application
Completed templates must be attached to all applications. A full list of all documents required to support a developer’s application can be found in the information document above.
Developer profile (DOCX, 1.2 MB)
Key contractors’ information (DOCX, 1.2 MB)
Development feasibility (XLSX, 135 KB)
Dwelling schedule (XLSX, 62 KB)
Once you've completed the required documents, you can submit your application here(external link)
Please email for any additional information or if you have any questions you would like to submit in advance for the webinar.