Long-term Insights Briefing 2025
Our Long-term Insights Briefing 2025 will look into the potential and challenges associated with the trend towards residential high-rise housing in Aotearoa New Zealand.
In our first Long-term Insights Briefing we explored the implications of our ageing population on the future of housing and urban development.
We focused on three key areas:
- dwelling types and the performance needed from them
- housing stock and its size and positioning within towns and cities
- the affordability and security of housing.
Topic for 2025
We’ve consulted on our proposed topic for our second briefing and confirmed support for exploring the potentials and challenges of residential high-rise housing in Aotearoa New Zealand.
We’ll look at:
- past and future trends in high-rise residential builds
- impacts of high-rise residential builds on our stock, relating to:
- Housing supply
- Affordable housing costs
- meeting the functional, accessibility and housing security needs of residents and their households
- development and operating costs across the life cycle of residential high-rise buildings
- impacts and opportunities of high-rise residential builds for urban development and the shape of our towns and cities including:
- Intensification
- Acceptability to town and city residents
- resilience.
Once the briefing is drafted, it will be released to the public and submissions invited. Those submissions will contribute to the final briefing, which will be published mid-2025 on our website.
About Long-term Insights Briefings
Long-term Insights Briefings must be published every three years. The requirement to publish a briefing is a statutory responsibility of departmental chief executives, independent of ministers.
Find out more about the process for developing Long-term Insights Briefings on the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet website(external link).