Urgently need somewhere to stay?

If you urgently need a place to stay, contact Work and Income for help with emergency housing, or to see if you can be referred for transitional housing.

See more information about how to contact Work and Income and access emergency housing.

General enquiries 

Phone: 0800 646 483 

If you’re deaf or hearing impaired, you can use the Video Relay Service to get in touch with us.

Video Relay Service(external link)

Email: info@hud.govt.nz 

Mail address:

Te Tūāpapa Kura Kāinga - Ministry of Housing and Urban Development
PO Box 82 
Wellington 6140

Official Information Act requests 

Email: oia@hud.govt.nz 

Mail address:

Ministerial Services 
Te Tūāpapa Kura Kāinga - Ministry of Housing and Urban Development
PO Box 82 
Wellington 6140 

Making Official Information Act requests 

Media enquiries  

Email: media@hud.govt.nz 

Phone: 0800 252 919 

Please note this number is for journalists and media use only.

If your call is not media related, please use the general enquiries number - 0800 646 483.       

Website feedback

You can give us feedback about this website and our use of plain language by emailing us at WebTeam@hud.govt.nz.

If your feedback is about:

  • a web page, please include a link to the page
  • a document on the website, please include a link to the document, or the web page about it
  • a document that may not be on the website, please describe the document.