Please note: Public housing quarterly report and regional factsheets products have now been discontinued and no further releases will be made.

If you have any questions or feedback relating to these products, please email us at or visit The Housing Dashboard where social housing and regional information is still available.

Public housing quarterly reports

The housing quarterly report tracks progress, and shares data on:

  • public housing and transitional housing supply
  • homelessness programmes, and
  • other housing support.

Each housing quarterly report provides us, and the housing sector with a clearer picture about:

  • the people who need warm, safe, and sustainable housing, and
  • the movement of people through the public housing system.

Find past years' reports (dating back to 2018) in our Documents library(external link).

 Please note: The Public Housing Quarterly Report for September 2022 was updated on 14 March 2023 due to errors in the ethnicity table for Housing First. These have now been corrected.

Note: On 13 September 2023, the June 2023 housing quarterly report and Auckland regional factsheet were updated to correct an error in the Public Homes figures. This correction reduces the total number of Public Homes in Auckland and Nationally by 76, affecting the Kāinga Ora vacant homes only.

Public housing regional factsheets

The housing regional factsheets provide a closer look at housing in New Zealand’s regions. The factsheets complement the housing quarterly report.

Each factsheet provides the housing sector with a localised view of:

  • the progress we’re making to bring on additional supply, and
  • how we support people with their housing and accommodation.

(The Wellington Regional Factsheet for September 2022 was updated on 13 December due to an error in Occupied Public Homes figures for Masterton District and Porirua City. These have now been corrected.)

Find past years' factsheets (dating back to 2018) in our Documents library(external link).

Public Housing Plan

The Public Housing Plan sets out the Government’s public housing supply intentions for the next four years.

We produce a series of resources that track our progress against our targets.

Find past years' reports in our Documents library.

For monthly housing data on the Government’s housing programme, visit the Housing Dashboard page.