Local innovation and partnership fund
The $16.6 million local innovation and partnership fund (LIPF) supports local work and projects that respond to and prevent homelessness.
Purpose of the fund
The fund aims to:
- support community organisations, local government, iwi and wider community partners to work together to address homelessness
- support innovative ways of tackling homelessness, address system gaps and improve responses that are tailored to local needs
- prioritise applications that support approaches aimed at reducing reliance on motels for emergency or transitional housing and ending or reducing the most acute forms of homelessness, for example, street homelessness
- fund wider projects to address homelessness where a community need isn’t currently being responded to, or where existing support isn’t enough.
Funding rounds
The Government has made $16.6 million available for the LIPF over three years, as part of the development of the Aotearoa New Zealand Homelessness Action Plan.
Find out more about the Homelessness Action Plan
The funding was allocated in three rounds.
Round three funding and recipients
Round three funding was allocated in July 2023. The funding focused on work that supported one or more of the following vulnerable groups:
- wāhine/women
- rangatahi/young people
- kaumātua/older people
- Māori
- Pasifika
- rural communities
- other groups at risk of homelessness.
Round three recipients
Ōtorohanga Support House Whare Āwhina Inc
(Ōtorohanga District)
Ōtorohanga District Council
Ngāti Maniapoto Marae Pac Trust
Te Nehenehenui Trust
Ōtorohanga Māori Women’s Welfare League
Ōtorohanga Charitable Trust
Ōtorohanga District Development Board
Ōtorohanga College Beattie Homes Ōtorohanga
OtoMed Ltd
Establish Wa Kāinga, a single point of access and support services for Ōtorohanga whānau who are experiencing homelessness or housing insecurity.
Tai Tokerau Emergency Housing Charitable Trust
Northland Housing Forum
He Iwi Kotahi Tatou Trust Inc
Northland Urban Rural Mission
155 Whare Āwhina
Support kaimahi in housing to be better able to resource whānau in meeting their own housing needs. $425,152
Te Hau Ora O Ngāpuhi Ltd
Whakaoranga Whānau Recovery Hub Establish a Housing Hub that will be advocating, informing and navigating people around services available to them.
Te Puna Ora O Mataatua
Waiariki Whānau Mentoring Limited
Set up Te Pokāpu Hapori (The Hub) to support whānau with individualised plans and advocacy to help them navigate a pathway to housing independence.
Te Pūtahi-Nui-o-Rehua Charitable Trust
Whakaoranga Whānau Recovery Hub
Te Hau Ora o Ngāpuhi
Ringa Atawhai Mātauranga
Ngā Hapū o Kaikohe Ngā Hapū o Te Ahuahu
Establish a Tino Rangatiratanga/housing independence program for whānau Māori living in rural areas.
Te Runanga o Turanganui a Kiwa (TROTAK)
Manaaki Tairāwhiti
Tairāwhiti Beneficiary Advocacy Trust
Establish a triage system with their partner organisations for whānau seeking housing solutions.
$830,375Te Runanganui O Ngati Porou
Te Runanga o Turanganui a Kiwa (TROTAK)
Support whānau who are homeless or living in overcrowded or unsafe conditions to navigate and access suitable housing products and services.
Tūwharetoa ki Kawerau Health, Education and Social Services
Ngāti Tūwharetoa (Bay of Plenty) Settlement Trust
Whakatāne District Council
Kawerau District Council
Kawerau Whenua Māori Collective
Address housing and homelessness crisis in the Kawerau region through developing sustainable and culturally sensitive housing solutions
Round two funding and recipients
Close to $6 million was allocated in round two in 2022. Funding focused on work that supported one or more of the following vulnerable groups:
- wāhine/women
- rangatahi/young people
- kaumātua/older people
- Māori
- Pasifika
- rural communities and
- other groups at risk of homelessness.
Round two recipients
E Tipu E Rea Whānau Services
Ngati Paoa Iwi Trust
Auckland Council
Development of high level financial and business systems/structures to prepare E Tipu E Rea's for the processes and demands of running a housing complex.
The initiative targets teen parent(s) who are experiencing homelessness, mostly Pasifika and Māori.
Enabled Wairoa
(East Coast)
Wairoa Youth Achievers Trust
Te Wairoa Tapakorao Whānui Trust
Te Whare Maire o Tapuwae/Whanau Ora Ngati Kahungunu Wairoa Taiwhenua Inc
Kahungunu Executive Health & Social Services
Wairoa District Council
Wairoa Waikaremoana Maori Trust Board
Tātau Tātau o te Wairoa
A Housing Hub to provide a streamlined and coordinated approach to address whānau housing needs. It will provide advocacy, information resources, home repair assessments, navigation between housing products and ongoing support for whānau throughout their housing journey.
He Iwi Kainga Tuwharetoa Limited Partnership
(Central - Taupo/Turangi)
Bay Trust
Te Kapua Whakapipi – Office of the Ariki Ngati Tuwharetoa
Taupo District Council
Waipapa 1D2B3B Trust
Employment of Papakāinga Coach to assist both hapu and whānau trusts to build on the Māori owned land.
PACT Group
Tuatahi Centre
Provide rangatahi with tailored whānau interventions that include therapy, parental coaching, addiction and specialist services and assistance to find and sustain suitable housing.
Penina Trust
Grace Foundation
Establish a Housing Hub “fale hub” as a single point of access to a local community led approach aimed to prevent and reduce homelessness by providing quality support, information and access to housing solutions.
Te Rūnanga
o Whaingaroa(Northland)
Ngāitupango Marae
Waihapa Marae
Taemaro Marae
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Rēhia
Far North District Council
A marae-based approach to transitional housing. The initiative intends to work alongside whānau and support those who may be experiencing housing deprivation or homelessness to live in self-contained cabins on Whenua Māori in the Whaingaroa region.
Te Whakaruruhau
2013 Incorporated/
Hamilton Women’s Refugee(Waikato)
Te Rūnanga o Kirikiriroa
Early intervention and a preventative approach to homelessness for whānau impacted by domestic violence. It aims to identify underlying factors of poor mental health and alcohol and drug addiction so that whānau can receive the supports they need and start their journey to recovery, independence and autonomy.
The Male Room (2021) Trust
West Coast)Te Piki Oranga
Te Rūnanga o Ngati Rarua
Create a governance group driven by the homeless and supported by the community to identify and plan strategies that provide housing options for the homeless.
Manaaki Rangatahi
A two-year pilot project that involves supporting rangatahi who don’t have a permanent base to transition safely into permanent housing.
Massey Community
Manaaki Rangatahi
Create a network of short-term host homes which would offer safe emergency accommodation for young people experiencing homelessness.
Round one funding and recipients
A total of $3.5 million was allocated in round one in the second half of 2020. Funding focused on work that supported one or more of the following vulnerable groups:
- Māori
- Pacific peoples
- wāhine/women
- rangatahi/young people
- migrants and refugees
- kaumātua/older people
- rainbow community
- people with disabilities.
Round one recipients
Kāhui Tū Kaha(external link)(external link)
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Whātua
Arohanui ki te Tangata
Provide housing with onsite professional and peer support for people who would benefit from being housed together.
One Double Five Whare Āwhina Community House(external link)(external link)
Mahitahi Hauora PHE
Whangarei Youth Space
Ngāti Hine Health Trust
Northland Urban Rural Mission
Pehiaweri Marae
Te Ora Hou Inc
Develop a Youth Housing Plan for Whangarei taitamariki (youth) experiencing homelessness.
RainbowYOUTH(external link)(external link)
Te Ngākau Kahukura
Auckland Council
Develop a toolkit and a competency programme to build capacity across the wider Auckland region to provide an effective and safe response to the housing needs of rainbow youth communities.
Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga(external link)(external link)
Whatever it Takes
Provides a kaupapa Māori service that fosters strong relationships with whānau who have been identified as chronically homeless using the Pōwhiri Poutama process.
$1 million
Takiri Mai o Te Ata Collective(external link)(external link)
Lower Hutt
Aro Mai Housing First Collaboration
Petone Budget Service Inc
Develop a Wa Kāinga Housing Hub which offers a single point of access to a range of services using a Whānau Ora approach for whānau who are experiencing homelessness or housing insecurity.
Te Taumata o Ngāti Whakaue Iho Ake Trust(external link)(external link)
Manaaki Ora Trust
Provide Te Arawa-centric financial wānanga to support individuals and whānau experiencing homelessness or at risk of being homeless.